Good Samaritan Spirit - A Church Should Have

It had been the day when overwhelming joy was undeniably been unveiled. From the eyes of a helpless man who at last grubbed vindication and discloses a attending hand. You can depict that bliss which converged deep from his presence, a strong man in the appearance who tried to avoid to display his tears out from copious amiability.

For him, it was an accident when he came to our place that day fair consequent our Sundays divine service. He was coursing more than 50 kilometers and being so dulled as well as hungry., he caught a nap that allowed him not to stop in the town he has believed to find his luck to look a relative he heard before working in that place. Since he was not sure of the chance of finding the person in the town he wanted to encamp, I let him stay in the chapel wherein the day that followed was typhoon "Ondoy".

Two year ago, from his poor province he went boarding a ship bound to Manila aspiring for a job. This "no read - no write" stranger was so anxious to earn an income wishing of winning back his wife and children who left him. He went to his friend who invited him to work in a construction cite. Right from the second day of his work, he accidentally missed to step the step bars and fell from the third floor. Luckily, he was not fallen directly to the ground but went through bars and scaffolding resulting his two legs broken. He had no insurance, not a member of social security system, no relatives to call on, no salary to get but not too bad, the contractor sent him to the orthopedic hospital. His friend could not help him either. The department of Social Welfare Administration helped him and also Congressman Bingbong Crisologo who paid his hospital bills. He was confined until his confinement for two years overdue.

He left the hospital, bearing the pain in his thighs and legs but he cannot help himself. Instead, he needed to keep on walking in the streets to beg for food or that he might somehow met some relatives from the province. He slept in the bus terminals, underpass, and in streets with beggars and usually beaten by mad and street people.

For three years, he suffered that agony of being lost and neglected. He wants to go back to his town but nobody helped him. He went through many mayors’ office but all he received were letters of recommendation referring him to another person and office. He was trying to hide his tears as I interviewed him. I pitied him so much and it was compassion that I felt when I saw and heard his testimony. I never hesitate to help him after that moment on. I let him washed his cloth and gave him some clothes I have. I provided him food and let him stay for one week.

After the typhoon, I accompany him to the provincial bus terminal. I paid his passenger's ticket and gave him pocket money and he doesn't stop uttering words of deep gratitude and was so excited sitting on the front seat. I prayed him and we parted one another. I waived my hand to him and he was so happy in the bus which will brings him to his hometown and relatives and by that time he was just one day away from them. I thank God for using me to help others. What an overwhelming joy I felt inside. 


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