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- Carl Cortez -
Yandex Zysev Ancheta from your statements
"Opening Salvo (affirmative)
Knowing the Triune God as He is revealed in the Word of God requires a DYNAMIC INTERACTION among the Word of God."
If the word Triune God can’t be found written or had not been taught in the scriptures by men of God moved by His Spirit where dynamic interactions among the scriptures where already there as they read it and wrote the other. If not the men of GOD, WHO then said that the Triune God was revealed in it as you emphasize saying you know?
Although Trinity cannot be found in the Bible, the FACTS that these word describe are definitely REVEALED IN THE BIBLE(Matt 28:19).
Theophilus of Antioch(A.D. 115-188), one of the early church fathers, was the first to use the word TRINITY in his writings. The word TRIUNE GOD also began to be used at about the same time. Thus, both TRINITY & TRIUNE were brought into CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
From the Tenets of the doctrine of Trinity or Triune God who believes in the “one God in three persons” (same with what Theophilus of Antioch invented).
God the Father, - who is not God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
God the Son – who is not God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, and
God he Holy Spirit – who is not God the Father and God the Son.
Each of these persons has their own will, personality and they each perform different or separate roles. While distinct from one another in these regards, in all else they are stated to be “co-equal”, “co-eternal”, “co-existent” and “each is God, whole and entire”.
Do you agree on this or you rejected it?
We agree on terminology but we don't agree from the TRADITIONAL TEACHING OF TRINITY.
The persons of the Holy Trinity are not separable individuals. Each involves the others; the coming of each is the coming of the others
"I do nothing from Myself, but as My Father has taught Me, I speak these things and He who sent Me is with Me; He has not left Me alone"(John 8:28-29)
Thus, the coming of the Spirit must have involved the coming of the Son(Luke 1:35)
Yandex Zysev Ancheta this will be based on facts in history as you mentioned Theophilus of Antioch.
As you used the word “Trinity or Triune God” and wants to establish it, are you aware that there were already existing pagan gods (the Israelites or the One God believers rejected) represented by Trinity or Triune God before Christ came that might influence the doctrine of its successors where Theophilus of Antioch was also known born as a pagan?
I'm not aware of it but what I firmly believed is that the Divine Trinity are directly according to the REVELATION OF THE PURE WORD OF GOD either directly indicated or indirectly implied.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
You mentioned the Greeks doing their study from 100 AD to sixth century AD which were mentioned by Catholics yet you rejected the Catholic Trinity.
Are you aware also that the Greeks had plenty of gods as portrayed by its philosophers?
Chicken feathers are not good to eat. However, without feathers the chicken cannot survive. When you buy a chicken, you must first examine the feathers. If the feathers are scraggly it will not be a good one. Eventually, however NO ONE WILL EAT THE CHICKEN FEATHERS.
In like manner, When it comes to Greek Mythology I am little bit aware of it but our focus is on the enjoyment of the Triune God who can dispense Himself into His chosen people not to the Greek gods portrayed by its philosophers.
Again, the Bible is our Unique Standard not the CREEDS NOT THE COUNCIL.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
If TRINITY doctrine are chicken feathers invented by the Catholics since that wasn't a meat found written in the Bible, why are you eating it?
Who say so? 🙂
Early teachings concerning Trinity may be classified into three main categories:
Conscious Tritheism
Implies Tritheism
Subconscious Tritheism
Again, my standard is the Bible. Catholics Trinity are UNSCRIPTURAL and we are not agree to it.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
Here's from your affirmative presentation you said,
"Why does the One God has the aspect of being Three?
To answer this question we have to find out from the THEOLOGY IN THE GREEK LANGUAGE TO THE THEOLOGY IN THE LATIN LANGUAGE because the studies and records of the CHURCH FATHERS were all in Greek. From around A.D. 100 to the formation of the papal system at the end of the sixth century, this period of four to five hundred years was called THE PERIOD OF COUNCILS in church history. Theological studies during this period continued to be WRITTEN IN GREEK."
Why quote them to establish your doctrine TRINITY eventually you also rejected?
What we firmly believed is the Triune God mentioned in the Bible Mr Carl Cortez. All the PAST TRUTHS of God form the FOUNDATION of the Truths Today. We know that God's truth are CUMULATIVE; later truths do not negate earlier ones. What we see today are the cumulative revelations of God.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
Do your Triune God, namely:
God the Father,
God the Son, and
God the Holy Spirit
Co-existed, co-equal and co-eternal simultaneously or at the same time?
YES or NO.
YES, at the same time.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
From your answer to Q#6 you claimed that your Triune God namely:
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
who co-existed, co-equally and co-eternally at the same time. you said:
"What we firmly believed is the Triune God mentioned in the Bible Mr Carl Cortez..." .
WHERE in the scriptures your Triune God was mentioned as what you already had claimed. Please show me single verse and that is enough.
"Go therefore and disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the NAME of the FATHER and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT"(Matt 28:19)
There is One Name for the Divine Trinity. These name is the sum total of the Divine Being.
This verse indicates to us that God is TRIUNE; notice, however, that NAME IS SINGULAR.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Three Distinct but the Name is One.
"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all"(2Cor 13:14)
Notice, the Three are present in this verse.
The love of God is the source, since God is the origin
The grace of the Lord is the course of the love of God, since the Lord is the expression of God;
and the fellowship of the Spirit is the impartation of the grace of the Lord with the love of God, since the Spirit is the transmission of the Lord with God, for our experience and enjoyment of the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
You said YES, that your Triune God namely:
God the Father,
God the Son,
God the Holy Spirit
co-existed co-equally and co-eternally at the same time.
HOW could your three persons Triune God think, plan, act, and performed their actions DISTINCTIVELY yet NOT SEPARATELY at the same time?
Joh 14:10 - Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak from Myself, but the Father who abides in Me does His works.
This verse UNVEILS that the relationship between the Father and the Son is one of INTERPENETRATION & MUTUAL INDWELLING. Thus, each in the GODHEAD interpenetrates and coinheres (nananahanan sa isa't isa) the others, that is, each is permanently one with the others.
And the mutual inbeing & interpenetration reveals the fact that the TRIUNE GOD is INSEPARABLY & UNIQUELY ONE and also PRESERVE the DISTINCTION within the Godhead.
It was further revealed by the Lord in John 16:13-15
Joh 16:13 - But when He, the Spirit of reality, comes, He will guide you into all the reality; for He will not speak from Himself, but what He hears He will speak; and He will declare to you the things that are coming.
Joh 16:14 - He will glorify Me, for He will receive of Mine and will declare it to you.
Joh 16:15 - All that the Father has is Mine; for this reason I have said that He receives of Mine and will declare it to you.
These verses unveil the INNER RELATIONSHIP of INTERPENETRATION that exists between the Father, Son & Spirit.
Firstly, the Spirit’s speaking is “not…from himself….” That is, the speaking source of the Spirit within the Godhead is from the Son and the Father, which reveals the interpenetration of the Three.
Secondly, the Spirit’s taking is described as “he shall take of mine….” That is, the taking position of the Spirit within the Godhead is out of the Son and the Father, which reveals the interpenetration of the Three.
Thirdly, the interpenetration of the Father, Son, and Spirit is also revealed by the inner nature of the Spirit’s hearing. The Lord’s words concerning the Spirit, “What things soever he shall hear …” refer to a hearing within the Godhead.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
WHAT are the three (3) respective specific name of your Triune God namely:
God the Father,
God the Son and
God the Holy Spirit
hom you claimed interpenetrating each other being distinct from each other yet not separate from each other as to justify your own interpretations of the Godhead the Bible never mentioned?
In my A#8 I mention it already that There is One Name for the Divine Trinity(Matt 28:19).These name is the sum total of the Divine Being.
This verse indicates to us that God is TRIUNE; notice, however, that NAME IS SINGULAR. The name denotes the person. Hence, to baptize people into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit is to baptize people into the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Furthermore, in Col 1:19 Paul says, the FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD dwells in Christ. Therefore, the name of the Triune God is Jesus Christ.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
You said that your TRIUNE GOD are three (3) persons.
Can you provide me references from the Bible (Biblia-Greek) in VERBATIM the word "person" or "persons" referring to the GODHEAD?
PERSONAE came the word Persons and the Greek word OUSIA became the word essence.
By saying God has ONE ESSENCE(ousia)
"For in Him dwells all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily" (Col 2:9)
THEOTES the Greek word for GODHEAD.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
"Personae" is plural of "persona" which is Latin in form from its Greek word "prosopon" which refers to the mask or the theater image or role.
"Hypostasis" is the singular for "hypostases/hupostases" plural which refers to an existence.
"Adamu/Adamah" is the Hebrew for the english word "person" which means from the ground.
The Greek word "ousia" in latin "substancia" means "essence in English but doesn't refer to the word person.
EITHER WAYS, "persona/e, hypostasis/es, adamah as referring to the English word person as applying to your Triune God doctrine "three persons in the divine Trinity of the One God"
Here is my question:
How can a One God become 3 persons or 3 personae, or 3 hupostases or 3 "Adamah" but not separate from each other?
This is HOW GOD is revealed in the Bible. We cannot question God why He revealed Himself in such a way. But this how He reveals Himself in the divine revelation.
God is mysterious yet very experienceable.
He is One God. 1 cor 8:4
And this One God is Triune - the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Mt 28:19. 2 Cor 13:14.
The Father is God. 1 cor 8:6
Jesus Christ is God. Rom 9:5
The Spirit is God. Acts 5:4,3
Are there three Gods?
They are DISTINCTLY THREE yet never separated into three, because in essence, life, and being, God is ONE.
The Triune God coexist (exist at the same time) and coinhere (dwell in one another) eternally without succession.
QUESTION #13 (a question of precision and credibility)
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
You clearly showed to me where you took your doctrine Trinity or Triune God and also CONFIRMED from your answer to my question #1 that:
(a) the word Trinity and Triune God wasn’t mentioned or can’t be found in the Bible but first mentioned by Theophilus of Antioch its inventor in the 1st century AD;
(b) and introduced by the Catholic as you cited in your affirmative argument “saying from around A.D. 100 to the formation of the papal system at the end of the sixth century”,
(c) citing as well as your reference “THE PERIOD OF COUNCILS in church history.”
(d) that it was in Latin translation of the Bible from Greek your doctrine Trinity or Triune God came from, and
(e) from your answers to my question #8 you said, “later truths do not negate earlier ones. “ meaning, what you claimed later truths of the Trinity do not contradicts or refutes the earlier one like the Traditional Trinity doctrine you cited as your reference for your Triune God belief.
You also CONFIRMED that these three whom you called Triune God namely:
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
co-existed co-equally, co-eternally, dwells in one another at the same time meaning joined together in one body only, and they are inseparable all the time,
BUT you turned to DIS-AGREE later that your Triune God namely:
God the Father
God the Son
And God the Holy Spirit
Has their own will, personality and performing different or separate roles.
You turned to DIS-AGREE as well the traditional trinity definition of the members of your Holy Trinity or Triune God:
God the Father, - is not God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
God the Son – is not God the Father and God the Holy Spirit,
God the Holy Spirit – is not God the Father and God the Son.
Here is my QUESTION:
HOW will you now RECONCILE and JUSTIFY the chaos seen in your presentations and cross examination that you even said in your answer to my question #10, that JESUS Christ is the only name of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit or your Triune God who are inseparable yet three distinct persons?
(attached are the proofs)
There is NO CHAOS in every answer that I give. You only need to understand Mr Carl Cortez that the truth in the Bible is PROGRESSIVE.
It is true that i mentioned Theophilus, the formation of papal system and the period of councils and much more i do mentioned and fully agree that the name of the TRIUNE GOD is Jesus Christ(Col 2:9). Well hindi ko dinedeny yan Moderator Christine Marie Reluya Cajeta.
The truths as revealed in the Scriptures have been lost, missed, misunderstood, misinterpreted, and wrongly taught. Therefore, there is a need to recover and rediscover it. God's Truth IS PROGRESSIVE. Since the TRUTH IS PROGRESSIVE, therefore, CHANGES ARE NOT SHAMEFUL THING. The extent to which we see the many revelations in the Bible is the extent to which we will change.
Like what Jesus said in John 14:6 " I am the way, the truth and the life" so without the way there is no going, without the truth there is no knowing and without the life there is no living.
We know that God's truths are CUMULATIVE. All the past truths of God form the foundation of the truths today. Among them were men like:
Edward Cronin
Anthony Norris Groves
John Nelson Darby
William Kelly
G.H Pember
C.H Mackintosh
C.H Spurgeon
Charles Stanley
George Cutting
B.W Newton
Robert Govett
Dwight L.Moody &
J.G Bellet
We are gone higher not by ourselves but by standing on the shoulders of all the foregoing teachers. We thank God for those who have gone before us.
We are standing on the shoulders of John Nelson Darby. Darby stood on the shoulders of Count Von Zinzendorf, and Zinzendorf stoon on the shoulder of Martin Luther.
We are not boasting that we have seen the picture of God's Eternal Purpose, for we are standing on others' shoulders to see this vision. We thank God for this.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
Based on your answer of my Q#13 you justified all the contrasts of your affirmative presentation and answers to cross exam saying the word "there is no chaos" though there are as you have been required to reconcile all your statements like you said,
that the “later truths do not negate earlier ones. “ meaning, what you claimed later truths of the Trinity do not contradicts or refutes the earlier one like the Traditional Trinity doctrine you cited as your reference for your Triune God belief but you did DIS-AGREE or indirectly REFUTING/REJECTING their teachings.
This is truly confusing as it seems. Let me ask you now, HOW do you understand really the meaning of the word "PERSON" as referring to your Triune God?
(Please satisfy me with your answers citing your references the definitions from the Bible and reliable definitions from Dictionaries NOT from your own understanding or personal ideas.)
When I say "later truths do not negate earlier ones" i'm referring to RECOVERED TRUTHS.
When it comes to the person of God. The Bible shows us that God in whom we believe is a person, and as a person He is quiet marvelous because He is not a PSYCHIC BEING
"The first man is out of the earth, earthly; the second man is out of the heaven"(1Cor 15:47)
The Father refers to Himself as "I"
The Son also refers to Himself as "I"
"I" denotes a person. In John 14:10 I am in the Father and the Father is in Me"
So God is a person with personality, He has love, mercy, kindness and even angel Mr Carl Cortez. He has the entire range of emotions. Therefore, our God is not a conceptual object rather, a living person. (REFERENCE 1)
Can’t the established TRUTH about GOD (mighty one) be known without the aid of the LATIN translations of the Septuagint fashioned by the Greek philosophers, that was brought to Rome , the formulation of the new word TRIUNE God or TRINITY invention, the basis of your belief now, which was the very heart or your assumed cumulative new revelation TRIUNE God?
(Here’s a quotation from your presentation)
“In Latin, the word TRIUNE is used for the Trinity. Tri means “Three"; and Une means “One"; hence, TRIUNE means “three-one,” being both "Three and One" we simply say “the three-one God,” that is, “the Triune God.” According to the pure revelation of the Bible, God is Triune; He is the Triune God.
Why does the One God has the aspect of being Three?
To answer this question we have to find out from the THEOLOGY IN THE GREEK LANGUAGE TO THE THEOLOGY IN THE LATIN LANGUAGE because the studies and records of the CHURCH FATHERS were all in Greek. From around A.D. 100 to the formation of the papal system at the end of the sixth century, this period of four to five hundred years was called THE PERIOD OF COUNCILS in church history. Theological studies during this period continued to be WRITTEN IN GREEK.
After the establishment of the Catholic Church with its headquarters in the city of Rome, where Latin was used most prevailingly, theological studies entered the SECOND STAGE---the stage of the LATIN LANGUAGE From the seventh century to the sixteenth century, theological literature was written chiefly in Latin. Even during the Reformation, Martin Luther still used Latin in his writings, although he was German. Therefore, Latin also occupies quite an important position in theological research.”
The TRUTH concerning One God with Three Distinct Persons cannot be understand properly without knowing the STUDIES CONCERNING THE TRIUNE GOD IN THEOLOGY THROUGHOUT THE AGES & the ORIGINAL TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE such as SEPTUAGINT & VULGATE. After the passing away of the apostles, there were the so-called church fathers in the church history who expounded the Biblical Truths and studied extensively the writing of the apostles as well as the contents of the Old Testament and had high theological attainments. Due to their research the term TRINITY was coined. Theological studies during this period continued to be written in greek.
During reformation, Latin language occupies an important position in theological research where the Latin was used prevailingly in the stage of Latin language.
The very God upon whom the entire universe is focused is not a single God; He is TRIUNE. Both the Old & New Testaments use PLURAL PRONOUNS in referring to the Triune God. In Genesis 1:26 here the PLURAL PRONOUNS "Us" & "Ours" are used. Then in John 14:23 Jesus said, "We will come to Him and make an abode with Him" who are the "WE"? So our God is Triune. It is not invented like what your are trying to postulate Mr Carl Cortez
Again, though the Bible does not have the TRIUNE or TRINITY as a TERM but it has a TRINITY or TRIUNE GOD as FACT. The Lord said that its not easy to understand His person
Supposed the Bible only revealed God as God the creator, not the Triune God. If there were no Father, and no Son, and no Spirit, how could God dispense Himself into us?
We are fallen, and we have the problems of sin, the world, and Satan. How could these things be taken away? There was the need of someone to condemn sin, to judge the world, and to cast out Satan. In the divine dispensing, THIS SOMEONE IS THE SON(jesus). The Son was sent by the Father to condemn sin, to judge the world, and to cast out Satan through His death on the cross. In order to die on the cross, He needed to put on humanity. How could God without blood and flesh be crucified on the cross to shed blood for the forgiveness of sins? It would be impossible. So the Son had to put on blood and flesh so that He could go to the cross and die in a physical way (Heb. 2:14). He put on humanity so that He could shed human blood to wash away our sins. He judged the world, and He cast out Satan (John 12:31).
Furthermore, if God were only God, how could He enter into us? In order to enter into us, God must be the life-giving Spirit(1Cor 15:45)The Spirit is the holy breath for us to take in (John 20:22).
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- Yandex Zysev Ancheta -
Sabi ni Mr Carl Cortez,
"Akin to classical terminology (לֹאֱ) “EL”or (אֱלֹהִ֔ים ) “El-ohim”, relative to the word commonly been used the time an English Bible version were first been released such as KJV1611 and the Douay-Rheims Version (both were published during the 16th century AD), the English word “GOD”
Is the word ELOHIM a plural or a singular form of God in Hebrew word?
The word “Elohim” refers to the majesty of God, the plural form denoting to the totality of GOD’s attributes from its root form El with its original meaning “strong ONE of authority” or “mighty one”
The TRUTH is the word ELOHIM though it is PLURAL OF HEBREW WORD of God but IT IS NOT God's attributes but rather implies the DIVINE TRINITY it was FURTHER DEVELOP in Gen 1:26, 3:22 & 11:17 all mention God using the PLURAL PRONOUNS "Us" & "Our" showing that GOD IS UNI-PLURAL. In Isaiah 6:8 "Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?" I is in singular, but Us is in plural.
If there were no DISTINCTIONS among the Three of the Divine Trinity to Whom the Lord Jesus offered Himself without blemish in Heb 9:14 which stated
"How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the Eternal Spirit OFFERED HIMSELF without blemish TO GOD, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God?"
To be précised, never the Bible said from Genesis to Revelation that there were distinctions of the three Divine Trinity that were uniting themselves together to fulfil their plans to save mankind but there was only One God (mighty one) who planned and executed it.
When God (mighty one) manifest in the flesh, Christ then was known whom was His body, the tabernacle God prepared for Himself in fulfilling His plan to be the Redeemer and Savior in order for Him (mighty one) to purchase the church through His blood.
Obviously DISTINCTION was there between the Father and the Son in Heb 9:14, because the Son offered Himself to God. So you cannot simply say
"Never the Bible said from Genesis to Revelation that there were distinction from the Three"
If there were no DISTINCTION AMONG THE THREE how could the Father forsake the Son in Matt 27:46?
"My God My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
A #3
Since never the Bible said from Genesis to Revelation that there were distinctions of the three Divine Trinity that were uniting themselves together to fulfill their plans to save mankind but there was only One God (mighty one) who planned and executed it,
Again, how come that there were no distinction when it is very clear ni Matt 27:46 that the First forsook the Second?
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Moderator's Reprimand #1
Yandex Zysev Ancheta hindi nakaabot sa minimum word na 100 ang Rebuttal no.1
Paki type ON TOP "Part IV AFFIRMATIVE REBUTTALS (capslock) for record purposes kahit pa sa pinaka dulo meron ng nakasulat na (Rebuttals).
This serves as LAST WARNING for violating Rule no.15.
Kindly edit and SEND IT again.
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Q #4
The words Father, Son and Holy ghost were not part of the original manuscript and was clearly catholic invention"
Are you telling in this debate that the Word of God in general & Matt 28:19 in particular is fallible?
My presentations showed the proof that Matthew 28:19 of what most Bible translations were written of today emphasizing the titles Father, Son and Holy ghost was clearly a Catholic invention as to emphasize their man-made invented doctrine Trinity or Triune God.
The original manuscripts which were inspired by God written by its original writers were of course infallible but as how men attempted to transliterate and translate the scriptures, the problem occurs of which biases, corruptions, insertions and deletion are expected, thus making their works and claims fallible.
I am not speculating but here are my credible references.
Historical Criticism
A. The Matthew 28:19 Issue of Catholic Corruption and Attempt of Insertion.
Eusebius of Caesarea/Pamphili, called the “father of church history” in 260 – 340 AD who was then ex-communicated from the Catholic after withdrawing himself from the Council of Nicea (the council that invented the Doctrine of Trinity), as always quoted parts of Matthew especially as what we now know chapter 28:19.
“…baptizing them in my name…” The words Father, Son and Holy ghost were strange words during his time and was later successfully been placed in the new Bible translations including the KJV in the 16th century AD.
"The Demonstratio Evangelica" by Eusebius:
Eusebius was the Church historian and Bishop of Caesarea. On page 152 Eusebius quotes the early book of Matthew that he had in his library in Caesarea. According to this eyewitness of an unaltered Book of Matthew that could have been the original book or the first copy of the original of Matthew. Eusebius informs us of Jesus' actual words to his disciples in the original text of Matthew 28:19: "With one word and voice He said to His disciples: "Go, and make disciples of all nations in My Name, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." That "Name" is Jesus.
Hastings Dictionary of the Bible 1963, page 1015:
"The not demonstrable by logic or by Scriptural proofs,...The term Trias was first used by Theophilus of Antioch (c AD 180),...(The term Trinity) not found in Scripture..." "The chief Trinitarian text in the NT is the baptismal formula in Mt 28:19...This late post-resurrection saying, not found in any other Gospel or anywhere else in the NT, has been viewed by some scholars as an interpolation into Matthew. It has also been pointed out that the idea of making disciples is continued in teaching them, so that the intervening reference to baptism with its Trinitarian formula was perhaps a later insertion into the saying. Finally, Eusebius's form of the (ancient) text ("in my name" rather than in the name of the Trinity) has had certain advocates. (Although the Trinitarian formula is now found in the modern-day book of Matthew), this does not guarantee its source in the historical teaching of Jesus. It is doubtless better to view the (Trinitarian) formula as derived from early (Catholic) Christian, perhaps Syrian or Palestinian, baptismal usage (cf Didache 7:1-4), and as a brief summary of the (Catholic) Church's teaching about God, Christ, and the Spirit:..."
Catholic Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger:
He makes this confession as to the origin of the chief Trinity text of Matthew 28:19. "The basic form of our (Matthew 28:19 Trinitarian) profession of faith took shape during the course of the second and third centuries in connection with the ceremony of baptism. So far as its place of origin is concerned, the text (Matthew 28:19) came from the city of Rome." The Trinity baptism and text of Matthew 28:19 therefore did not originate from the original Church that started in Jerusalem around AD 33. It was rather as the evidence proves a later invention of Roman Catholicism completely fabricated. Very few know about these historical facts.
The Jerusalem Bible, a scholarly Catholic work, states:
"It may be that this formula, (Triune Matthew 28:19) so far as the fullness of its expression is concerned, is a reflection of the (Man-made) liturgical usage established later in the primitive (Catholic) community. It will be remembered that Acts speaks of baptizing "in the name of Jesus,"..."
The Catholic University of America in Washington, D. C. 1923, New Testament Studies Number 5:
The Lord's Command To Baptize An Historical Critical Investigation. By Bernard Henry Cuneo page 27. "The passages in Acts and the Letters of St. Paul. These passages seem to point to the earliest form as baptism in the name of the Lord." Also we find. "Is it possible to reconcile these facts with the belief that Christ commanded his disciples to baptize in the trine form? Had Christ given such a command, it is urged, the Apostolic Church would have followed him, and we should have some trace of this obedience in the New Testament. No such trace can be found. The only explanation of this silence, according to the anti-traditional view, is this the short christological (Jesus Name) formula was (the) original, and the longer trine formula was a later development."
The Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge:
"Jesus, however, cannot have given His disciples this Trinitarian order of baptism after His resurrection; for the New Testament knows only one baptism in the name of Jesus (Acts 2:38; 8:16; 10:43; 19:5; Gal. 3:27; Rom. 6:3; 1 Cor. 1:13-15), which still occurs even in the second and third centuries, while the Trinitarian formula occurs only in Matt. 28:19, and then only again (in the) Didache 7:1 and Justin, Apol. 1:61...Finally, the distinctly liturgical character of the strange; it was not the way of Jesus to make such formulas... the formal authenticity of Matt. 28:19 must be disputed..." page 435.
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. 4, page 2637, Under "Baptism," says:
"Matthew 28:19 in particular only canonizes a later ecclesiastical situation, that its universalism is contrary to the facts of early Christian history, and its Trinitarian formula (is) foreign to the mouth of Jesus."
New Revised Standard Version says this about Matthew 28:19:
"Modern critics claim this formula is falsely ascribed to Jesus and that it represents later (Catholic) church tradition, for nowhere in the book of Acts (or any other book of the Bible) is baptism performed with the name of the Trinity..."
and many others...
According to Mr Carl Cortez, Matt 28:19 were not part of the original manuscript. He wants to destroy this passage just to justify his ABSOLUTE ONENESS BELIEF.
The authority of the Bible is UNDISPUTED. Everything that is contrary to the Bible is wrong. It is true that the church undergo to the tunnel of dark history, Bibles were destroyed everywhere, the church was under persecution and it was not easy to make copies of the Bible, but this does not mean that there is a problem with INSPIRATIONAL ITSELF.
"All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2Tim 3:16)
It is nit-picking for someone to attack the Bible on account of this kind of error like what Mr Carl stated.
In his A#1 Mr Carl stated that Elohim is the PLURAL FORM of God's attributes."The word “Elohim” refers to the majesty of God, the plural form denoting to the totality of GOD’s attributes"
What then is the singular form of elohim?
The word "Elohim" reveals not a single attribute GOD (mighty one) had rather it showed HIM ONE not two or three, the ONE in authority who isn't just mighty BUT also the:
supreme judge of the world
and many other attributes due to HIM not them.
The root word is "EL" "aleph" and "lamed" Hebrew characters which means "the strong one in authority" or "the mighty one" referring to a single attribute considered to be a singular form.
If ELOHIM is the PLURAL form of the word God in Hebrew, ELOAH is the SINGULAR form of ELOHIM. Eloah denotes that God is the Mighty One to be worshiped.
Elohim does not refer to the ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. Elohim is a PLURAL NOUN in Hebrew, implying the Divine Trinity(Gen 1:26)
God's ATTRIBUTES refer to His characteristics, such as God is Love(1John 4:16), God is Light (1John 1:5). God has many attributes, including mercy and kindness, as well as power, strength and might.
Therefore, ELOHIM the Triune God is not attributes but rather the Triune God is a constitution of all His attributes. The totality of all DIVINE ATTRIBUTES is God's inward essence. This inward essence needs an expression. The expression of the inward essence of God is His image, and this image is EMBODIED in Christ(Col 2:9).
In our speaking concerning this matter we need to be careful, if we are not we may use these term in a WRONG WAY like what Mr Carl did inspite that he is a Dr of Divinity.
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is, My God, My God,
why have You forsaken Me?
Are you telling me that 1Pet 3:18 is also figurative and representational? Why?
"For Christ also has suffered once for sins, the righteous on behalf of the unrighteous, that He might bring you to God, on the One hand being put to death in the flesh, on the other hand made alive in the Spirit"
Yes, 1 Peter 3:18 clearly exhibited CHRIST the representation and the figure of the sinners and the whole world.
1Pet 3:18 tells us that though Christ is our substitute the crucifixion put Christ to death ONLY IN HIS FLESH which He received through His incarnation(John 1:14) so its not only FIGURATIVE but also a LITERAL ONE because the FLESH HAS BEEN PUT TO DEATH but made ALIVE IN THE SPIRIT.
It is therefore wrong to say that the death of Christ is figurative and representational. On the one hand, Christ was put to death in the flesh; that is, He was crucified crucified on the cross in the flesh. On the other hand Christ was made alive in the Spirit.
In Rom 1:3-4 according to the flesh, He is the seed of David, a man; according to the Spirit of holiness He is the Son of God. So the Dr of Divinity is absolutely wrong to say that 1Pet 3:18 is figurative and representational because when the Lord was buried in the tomb, it was His flesh, His humanity that died.
Mr Carl stated in his A#3 that
"Since never the Bible said from Genesis to Revelation that there were distinctions of the three Divine Trinity that were uniting themselves together to fulfill their plans to save mankind but there was only One God (mighty one) who planned and executed it"
Why then there is a DESIGNATION as the Father chose the believers before the foundation of the world(Eph 1:3-4), as the Son redeemed us in time((Eph 1:5-7), and the Spirit sealed them after they believed in the Son (Eph 1:13)?
Eph. 1:3-4 “even as He hath CHOSEN US (foreplan of GOD (mighty one)) in Him before the foundation of the world…”
Eph. 1:5-7 “having PREDESTINED (foreplan of GOD (mighty one)) us to be His own adopted children by Jesus Christ…”
Eph. 1:13 “ In Christ ye also trusted after ye heard the word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation, in Whom also after ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise.”
The context of Paul’s writing to the Ephesians concerning chapter 1 verses 3-13 was about the PREDESTINATION plan of God of adoption, the Father to the believers of Christ where Paul referred himself and his audience, the believers as the heirs of the promise of salvation.
“In Christ also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will.” V. 11
The word DESIGNATION (label, title, description, term) indicative to the believers as REDEEMED has been precisely understood when due time came where I agree with what you’ve said; “the Son redeemed us in time”. Redemption took place after the blood was purged in compliance to the requirements of the law “when there is no shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins,” at the perfect time. Lev. 17:11, Heb. 9:22
A#7 is off the mark. It is not a question of the believers being predestined o but rather the distinction among the Three which clearly presented in the Holy Word
1.The Father chose the believers before the foundation of the world
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ, even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before Him in love"(Eph 1:3-4)
2.The Son redeemed them in time
"Predestinating us unto sonship through Jesus Christ to Himself,according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory, with which He graced us in the beloved; in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of offenses, according to the riches of His grace"(Eph 1:5-7)
3.And the Spirit sealed them after they believed in the Son
"In whom you also, having heard the word of the truth, the gospel of your salvation, in Him also believing, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of the promise"(Eph 1:13)
Sino ang Pumili? Ang Ama
Sino ang Nagtubos? Ang Anak
Sino ang nag tatak? Ang Espiritu
Makikita ba ang DISTINCTION NG TATLO? The Answer is YES. Hindi kailangang paikut ikutin tulad ng style ni Mr Carl Cortez mahabang sagot but off the mark.
If the DESIGNATION of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit has nothing to do with the DISTINCTION among the Three of the Godhead but rather a INDICATIVE to the believers as REDEEMED and nothing to do or never it questioned to what he said according to Mr Carl Cortez then there would be no need for Paul to say that the FATHER CHOSE US IN HIM, there would also be no need to say IN WHOM WE HAVE REDEMPTION and there would also be no need for Paul to say YOU WERE SEALED and much more there would be no need for John to say
"abide both in the Son and in the Father"(2John 1:9) right?
There was no “DESIGNATION of the Father, Son & Holy spirit” as label, title, description, term or as three distinct or different persons mentioned by Paul in his letter to the Philippians but pure assumptions, an obvious attempt of inserting the strange false and man-made doctrine invented only century or two after Paul.
There was, and is, and shall be only ONE GOD being consistent as the mighty one called the FATHER (Mal. 2:10) not becoming mighty two or three
Mr Carl Cortez you cannot just simply say that "there was no distinction". If there were no distinction there would be no need for John to say,
"abide both in the Son and in the Father"(2John 1:9)
Was this speculation and assumption? Definitely not! Tpos bigla ka na lang lulundag sa Mal 2:10 ng hindi mo nalalaman ang kontexto ng talata.
"Have we not all One Father? Hath not one God created us?(Mal 2:10)
The Fatherhood mentioned in Mal 2:10 refers only to the Israelites. The people of the world are not allowed to participate in this sonship and since we are not Israelites in the flesh, the rights bestowed on the Israelites as the sons of God do not involve us.
"The burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi"(1:1)
Kaya hindi mo basta pwedeng gamitin yang Mal 2:10 as an excuse to justify your ABSOLUTE ONENESS BELIEF. In the first place wala sa Mal 2:10 ang tanong ko nsa 1Tim 6:16.
The word "we" in Mal 2:10 does not refer to all the people in the world. This made clear by looking at what follows: "why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our father" God's covenanted people were the Israelites, not any other people.
In his A#8 Mr Carl Cortez said that
"Paul approached God through Christ"
If God and Christ has NO DISTINCTION, could you please define in the light of the Scriptures, the word DISTINCTION and kindly give a classic example of it.
GOD (mighty one) and Christ has NO DISTINCTIONS as far as the man-made doctrine 3 DISTINCT persons of GOD in the Divine Trinity.
Rebuttal #9
The reason why Mr Carl Cortez stated that
"God(mighty one) and Christ has no distinction"
it is because MODALISTS claims that the Father ended with the Son's coming. He believed the manifestation of this One God was divided into THREE PERIODS.
For the MODALISTS, In the O.T He(Father) decreed the law and manifested Himself as the Father; that was the period of the Father in which there was only the Father without the Son or the Spirit.
Then in His incarnation He manifested Himself as the Son; that was the period of the Son and the Father was over.
Finally, in the inspiring of the apostles He manifested Himself as the Holy Spirit; that was the period of the Spirit and the Son was over.
So para kay Mr Carl the period of the Father was over yet, In his A#8 Mr Carl said that we can approached the unapproachable God through Christ and yet in his A#9 he stated that there were no distinction among the Father and the Son. What a sharp contradiction!
The truth is the Father the Son and the Spirit are COEXISTING FROM ETERNITY PAST TO ETERNITY FUTURE. The Bible strongly indicates that the Father, the Son and the Spirit are always COEXISTENT. In Gen 1:1-2 shows us that the Father created then in v.2 the Spirit of God was brooding. So the Father was there and the Spirit was also there.
Ephesians 3:14-17, the apostle Paul’s prayer for the believers to experience the Triune God.
"For this I bow my knees unto the Father
Of whom every family in the heavens and on earth is named
That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man
That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, that you being rooted and grounded in love"(Eph 3:14-17)
This portion of the Word shows that
the Father hears the prayer,
the Spirit strengthens the saints,
and the Son—Christ—makes His home in our hearts.
By this we can also see clearly that all Three coexist simultaneously.
Therefore, we do not believe that the Father ceased to exist and was replaced by the Son like what Mr Carl Cortez trying to postulate, then after another period of time the Son was replaced by the Spirit. We believe that the Three—Father, Son, and Spirit—are eternal and co-existent.
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Moderator's Reprimand #2
I removed All present ADMINS. Ako bilang CREATOR ng FORUM ang natitirang ADMIN nalang dito.
Nag QUIT akong mag MODERATE simply because ang AFFIRMATIVE ay walang TIWALA sa akin na mag moderate.
Una pinagbibintangan ang mga Admins na may ginawang pagmamanipula kuno kaya di sya maka send ng REBUTTALS gayong nakapagtatakang nakakapagsent naman sya ng kanyang mga comment?
This FORMAL DEBATE THREAD has no MODERATOR now since nag QUIT na ako. But I PURPOSELY REMOVED all present admins simply because hindi ko na sila gusto dahil na rin sa mga pangyayari. Ayokong makipagplastikan dahil diko yan ugali.
Kailangang TAPUSIN ang Rebuttals ng AFFIRMATIVE at ng makapaglatag naman ang NEGATIVE ng kanyang REBUTTALS.
Mariin kung pinabubulaanan ang kasinungalingan ni Yandex Zysev Ancheta na NAG TURN OFF COMMENTING ako dito DURING the DEBATE.. Ngayon ko pa lang ito gagawin para makapaglinis ako at ng makita ng lahat kung sino sa kanilang dalawa ang may hindi tinapos.
For the record, this is the 1st time that I will turn off commenting.
Carl Cortez bilang nag-iisang ADMIN sa forum na ito, I suggest ilatag mo ang REBUTTALS mo kung tapos ka ng mag type KUNG AYAW ni Yandex Zysev Anchetana magpatuloy sa kanyang REBUTTALS.
Hindi magandang pinipilit ang isang tao sa ayaw nyang gawin.
Pagkatapos mong mailatag at makompleto ang FORMAT ng DEBATE, I believed na mas mauunawaan ng mga readers ang mga naging argumento ng bawat isa.
Hindi ko e INSIST ang sarili ko at magpatuloy na mag MODERATE kung walang tiwala sa akin ang isang Debatista. BIAS ang ganon at isang malaking kabastosan ang di pagsunod sa Rules gayong sumang-ayon kang sumalang sa FORMAL DEBATE.
I do confirmed too na kaya ako hindi available kanina dahil may nilakad ako for franchising namin sa seven eleven store. And it is also true that I am in a Psychological stress sa mga siblings ko na hindi pa BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS at diko minasama ang ginawang pagmentioned ni Ptr Carl Cortez nyan dito.
For the record parehong ang dalawang debatista ay nakakachat ko sa messenger. Ang hindi ko gusto kay Carl Cortez ay sinasabi ko kay Yandex at ang diko gusto kay Yandex ay sinasabi ko kay Carl both in their personalities and way or arguments in debate.
God is my witness WALA AKONG KINAKAMPIHAN sa kanila dalawa dahil kahit kumampi ako sa isa man sa kanila, it is the READERS WHO WILL DECIDE AT THE END of the Debate kung sino ang sa tingin nila ang syang mas sumunod sa Rules of Debate at nagpaka professional at ang may MATIBAY NA STAND.
Salamat sa mga nag basa. God bless and Good night...😇
Yandex Zysev Ancheta Sinabi ko yan dahil sinabihan ka ni Carl Cortez na mag continue ka sa REBUTTALS mo. Pero di mo ginagawa INSTEAD nakikipagtalayang kalye ka sa lahat ng mga readers dito. Kaya Angkop lang ang sinabi ko na Kung ayaw mo eh... di ka dapat pilitin.
Basahin mo ulit ang statement ko sa taas at h'wag Kang bulag sa salitang "KUNG".
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- Carl Cortez -
Q #1.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta from your statements
"Opening Salvo (affirmative)
Knowing the Triune God as He is revealed in the Word of God requires a DYNAMIC INTERACTION among the Word of God."
If the word Triune God can’t be found written or had not been taught in the scriptures by men of God moved by His Spirit where dynamic interactions among the scriptures where already there as they read it and wrote the other. If not the men of GOD, WHO then said that the Triune God was revealed in it as you emphasize saying you know?
Although Trinity cannot be found in the Bible, the FACTS that these word describe are definitely REVEALED IN THE BIBLE(Matt 28:19).
Theophilus of Antioch(A.D. 115-188), one of the early church fathers, was the first to use the word TRINITY in his writings. The word TRIUNE GOD also began to be used at about the same time. Thus, both TRINITY & TRIUNE were brought into CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY.
My opponent agreed that the doctrine Triune God he embraced really can't be found in the Bible or it had been taught in the Bible. The next statement he said contradicted his first statement. as saying "FACTS that these word (Triune God) described are definitely REVEALED IN THE BIBLE quoting Matthew 28:19.
- How can my opponent proved a word which he admitted can't be found in the Bible or taught in the Bible yet called it a FACT? Never even the passage he used showed a fact or evidence that the word Triune God existed or have been mentioned in Matthew 28:19.
My opponent mentioned Theophilus of Antioch and exposing the truth that it was him who first mentioned the word TRINITY in his writings evidently not from the characters and writers of the Bible;and the word TRIUNE GOD also began to be used at about the same time. It was Theophilus of Antioch whom being born a pagan with his pagan parents as the record of history revealed who brought this invented doctrine bringing it to what my opponent assumed Christian Theology.
In Paul’s time he warned all the believers in Galatia this words saying,
".. and are turning to a different gospel …which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!" Gal. 1:6-7
So, cursed are those who accepted and believed a doctrine that departed from the truth and not part of the gospel of Jesus Christ such as the pagan doctrine by origin triune god or trinity.
# of words - 293
Q #2.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
From the Tenets of the doctrine of Trinity or Triune God who believes in the “one God in three persons” (same with what Theophilus of Antioch invented).
God the Father, - who is not God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
God the Son – who is not God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, and
God he Holy Spirit – who is not God the Father and God the Son.
Each of these persons has their own will, personality and they each perform different or separate roles. While distinct from one another in these regards, in all else they are stated to be “co-equal”, “co-eternal”, “co-existent” and “each is God, whole and entire”.
Do you agree on this or you rejected it?
We agree on terminology but we don't agree from the TRADITIONAL TEACHING OF TRINITY.
The persons of the Holy Trinity are not separable individuals. Each involves the others; the coming of each is the coming of the others
"I do nothing from Myself, but as My Father has taught Me, I speak these things and He who sent Me is with Me; He has not left Me alone"(John 8:28-29)
Thus, the coming of the Spirit must have involved the coming of the Son(Luke 1:35)
In my opponent's answer to my question #2, he clearly raised his belief of agreeing the terminology Triune God/Trinity invented and first mentioned by Theophilus of Antioch eventually doubted it claiming he only agreed in the terminology but denying how it was described and defined in the first century.
It is now then clear that what he held in his hands are hybrid doctrine that keeps on evolving itself, not fixed or not being established yet that is contrary to written word of God that is already fixed, settled, established and no longer can be changed in Psa. 119:89-96; .
My opponent said that his Holy Trinity are not separate individuals yet each involves the others and the coming of each is coming of the others. What he was saying involves the others and each coming of the others is of the activity or activities taken where these 3 individuals were bonded or fastened together but still they are 3 individuals. Look how crazy my opponent’s doctrine is.
a) the word individual (adjective) itself is defined as
1. single; separate, discrete, independent, solo
2. of or for a particular person.
b) my opponent affirmed that his triune god who are 3 individuals doesn’t have 3 wills, 3 personalities, and are performing different roles or tasks, rather a mixed up of 3 substances as he used the plural form of substance “hypostases” that can’t be found in the Scriptures as well.
This doctrine is totally crazy and is contradicting that tried to explain a separate individual but not separate. 3 particular persons/individuals yet having only one mind, one personality, all 3 performed together at the same time, being helpless without the aid of another, but are bonded or glued together. This contradicting in itself hybrid doctrine is totally stupidly senseless.
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Q #3.
this will be based on facts in history as you mentioned Theophilus of Antioch.
As you used the word “Trinity or Triune God” and wants to establish it, are you aware that there were already existing pagan gods (the Israelites or the One God believers rejected) represented by Trinity or Triune God before Christ came that might influence the doctrine of its successors where Theophilus of Antioch was also known born as a pagan?
I'm not aware of it but what I firmly believed is that the Divine Trinity are directly according to the REVELATION OF THE PURE WORD OF GOD either directly indicated or indirectly implied.
IN MY OPPONENT’S ANSWERS TO MY Q#3 clearly reveals that he is only aware and admitted it that his man-made doctrine which isn’t biblical was not written in the Bible or taught in the Bible, which it was only mentioned or introduced first by Theophilus of Antioch in the 1st century AD,
but he is not aware:
1. that Theophilus was born a PAGAN of course same with his Greek parents who served and worship many gods who was not the God of Israel who ALONE is mighty.
2. that there were already trinity gods being worship by pagans before Christ came such as the following:
a. Sumeria
Trinity – Anu, Enlil and Ea gods. Together they constituted the triad of the Great Gods” ( The Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, 1994, pp. 54-55)
b. Babylonia
“three persons in one god”— mythology, and the use of the equilateral triangle, also, as an emblem of such trinity in unity” (Thomas Dennis Rock, The Mystical Woman and the Cities of the Nations, 1867, pp. 22-23).
c. India
the triangle as a symbol of the Deity . . . The three gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva (Sinclair, pp. 382-383).
d. Greece
‘All things are three, and thrice is all: and let us use this number in the worship of the gods; …these compose the number of the Trinity’ ” (Arthur Weigall, Paganism in Our Christianity, 1928, pp. 197-198).
e. Egypt
‘All gods are three: Amun, Re and Ptah, (Simson Najovits, Egypt, Trunk of the Tree, Vol. 2, 2004, pp. 83-84).
The Bible already had said that people shall perish for the lack of knowledge in fact it was GOD the mighty one who already said “because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject you.” My opponents crazy doctrine truly isn’t from the Bible but by PAGAN influence.
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Q #4.
You mentioned the Greeks doing their study from 100 AD to sixth century AD which were mentioned by Catholics yet you rejected the Catholic Trinity. Are you aware also that the Greeks had plenty of gods as portrayed by its philosophers?
Chicken feathers are not good to eat. However, without feathers the chicken cannot survive. When you buy a chicken, you must first examine the feathers. If the feathers are scraggly it will not be a good one. Eventually, however NO ONE WILL EAT THE CHICKEN FEATHERS.
In like manner, When it comes to Greek Mythology I am little bit aware of it but our focus is on the enjoyment of the Triune God who can dispense Himself into His chosen people not to the Greek gods portrayed by its philosophers.
Again, the Bible is our Unique Standard not the CREEDS NOT THE COUNCIL.
True, the Bible is the Unique or the Only Standard for Biblical doctrines not the CREEDS, NOT THE COUNCIL but my opponent forgot to mention or he intentionally might not mentioning it for an obvious reason as to hide it from the truth that he also should say, NOT TO MAN-MADE INVENTIONS such as Triune God or Trinity.
Chicken feathers are not considered food and can't be eaten yet my opponent said, it is not good to eat implying that feather are food for him but not good to eat. This is also true to his crazy doctrine that is isn't a Bible doctrine but pagan by origin and influence, yet my opponent is insisting it as in the Bible.
The truth is that it was already proven he lied in his presentation saying that triune god or trinity was mentioned in the Bible but was not. So the feather which he considered food, he knew it wasn't good to eat as triune god or trinity not good for the soul yet he swallowed it.
# of words - 176
Q #5.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
If TRINITY doctrine are chicken feathers invented by the Catholics since that wasn't a meat found written in the Bible, why are you eating it?
Who say so? 🙂
Early teachings concerning Trinity may be classified into three main categories:
Conscious Tritheism
Implies Tritheism
Subconscious Tritheism
Again, my standard is the Bible. Catholics Trinity are UNSCRIPTURAL and we are not agree to it.
Are FEATHERS food? Are there any people, or even animals that eat FEATHERS? Certainly NO, and of course NONE! What kind of god or gods do you have that gave you feathers to eat?
My opponent has still had the guts to argue it! His triune god or trinity god is a low class, nasty and cruel god who’ll feed those feathers as their food. How crazy also are these people who considered feathers as food yet complaining it is not good to eat?
Look how my opponent compared feather parallel to their doctrine triune god or trinity god. He is right of admitting that his doctrine triune god or trinity really can’t be found or not being mentioned in the Bible but a man-made one invented by Theophilus of Antioch who was born a pagan.
Now, the pattern and position of his mind goes redundantly where he said with regards to his crazy doctrine that,
"Early teachings concerning Trinity may be classified into three main categories:
Conscious Tritheism
Implies Tritheism
Subconscious Tritheism"
As I'll return to him his question "WHO SAID SO?" The answer is obvious, NOT THE BIBLE but from Catholics, from the people who were pagans influenced by wrong belief, who are enemies of GOD who alone is MIGHTY or the mighty of ALL
When my opponent said that, "Again, my standard is the Bible. Catholics Trinity are UNSCRIPTURAL and we are not agree to it." then he lied and proving clearly that he is LIAR the fact that he contradicted himself again!
# of words - 260
Q #6.
Here's from your affirmative presentation you said
"Why does the One God has the aspect of being Three?
To answer this question we have to find out from the THEOLOGY IN THE GREEK LANGUAGE TO THE THEOLOGY IN THE LATIN LANGUAGE because the studies and records of the CHURCH FATHERS were all in Greek. From around A.D. 100 to the formation of the papal system at the end of the sixth century, this period of four to five hundred years was called THE PERIOD OF COUNCILS in church history. Theological studies during this period continued to be WRITTEN IN GREEK."
Why quote them to establish your doctrine TRINITY eventually you also rejected?
What we firmly believed is the Triune God mentioned in the Bible Mr Carl Cortez. All the PAST TRUTHS of God form the FOUNDATION of the Truths Today. We know that God's truth are CUMULATIVE; later truths do not negate earlier ones. What we see today are the cumulative revelations of God.
My opponent at this time had totally abandoned the scriptures or the Bible as his basis for his answers. The doctrine he himself confirmed not found in the Bible was traced back from writings not part of the Bible or from men of God who wrote the Bible but from a person who invented it, and were developed and had been established by Councils, the Roman Catholics who later made Creeds for their followers to observed.
My opponent emphasized it undoubtedly that the founding of his doctrine was no longer in Jerusalem but in Rome and by the Greeks, and he was also proud to say that the Latin translations revealingly played an importance in the formation of his doctrine triune god or trinity.
So from this point it is then so clear that the doctrine Triune/Trinity god never could be known without the great players for its establishments in the sequence of history, and this happened of course outside the truth established in the scriptures that the men of God even the apostles had embraced already.
So why then my opponent said that they no longer believed or would no longer agree how the triune/trinity god was defined by its inventors in the first century as they are denying “the three persons are co-equal, co-existent, and co-eternal” now? Yet, he said “later truths do not negate earlier ones” meaning, their evolve doctrine of today of the triune/trinity god do not disprove or dis-agreed the first or earlier definitions of it by its inventors. My opponent again OPPOSED HIMSELF!
Once more, my opponent showed inconsistencies and is self-contradictory that made his doctrine FALLACIOUS!
# of words - 275
Q #7.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
Do your Triune God, namely:
God the Father,
God the Son, and
God the Holy Spirit
Co-existed, co-equal and co-eternal simultaneously or at the same time?
YES or NO.
YES, at the same time.
My opponent Yandex Zysev Ancheta certifies himself a LIAR. He confirmed that his Triune/Trinity God namely:
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
simultaneously co-existed, and are co-equal, and co-eternal as he CONFIRMED it debunked himself of saying
" I do agree to the Triune God Moderator Christine Marie Reluya Cajeta "One God in Three Distinct Person/Hypostases it was in my opening salvo. Mr Carl Cortez should know this from the very beginning.
But we dont agree on this
"Each of these persons has their own will, personality and they each perform different or separate roles"
It is contradict to the Bible kya nga nilatag ko ang John 8:28-29 e
And we also dont agree on this
God the Father, - who is not God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
God the Son – who is not God the Father and God the Holy Spirit,
God the Holy Spirit – who is not God the Father and God the Son." - Yandex Zysev Ancheta
THESE 3 god my opponent believed who are DISTINCT (synonymous to separate) who are co-equal, co-existed, and co-eternal DO NOT have each their own will, personality and never each performed different or separate roles? LATER he said,
"We know that God's truth are CUMULATIVE; later truths do not negate earlier ones..."
My opponent's doctrine is TOTALLY ABSURD and a great LIE!
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Q #8.
Yandex Zysev AnchetaFrom your answer to Q#6 you claimed that your Triune God namely:
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
who co-existed, co-equally and co-eternally at the same time. you said:
"What we firmly believed is the Triune God mentioned in the Bible Mr Carl Cortez..." .
WHERE in the scriptures your Triune God was mentioned as what you already had claimed. Please show me single verse and that is enough.
"Go therefore and disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the NAME of the FATHER and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT"(Matt 28:19)
There is One Name for the Divine Trinity. These name is the sum total of the Divine Being.
This verse indicates to us that God is TRIUNE; notice, however, that NAME IS SINGULAR.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Three Distinct but the Name is One.
"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all" (2Cor 13:14)
Notice, the Three are present in this verse.
The love of God is the source, since God is the origin
The grace of the Lord is the course of the love of God, since the Lord is the expression of God;
and the fellowship of the Spirit is the impartation of the grace of the Lord with the love of God, since the Spirit is the transmission of the Lord with God, for our experience and enjoyment of the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
My opponent failed to provide a single verse showing what I asked from him of presenting the word Triune/Trinity god being mentioned in the Bible. What he was showing me even though he used 2 reference scriptures were his personal understanding and opinion in defense attempt to his preconceived ideas never even Matthew and Paul mentioned in their letters.
Jesus in Matthew 28:19 clearly demanded from his disciples the NAME where Eusebius, the contemporary of Theophilus in his time quoting it saying “baptizing in my NAME.” That of course refers to the NAME (singular) JESUS as how his disciples understood it well best proven in the Book of Acts of the Apostles.
The doxology of Paul in his letter to the Corinthians clearly emphasized the entire work of God’s salvation such GRACE, LOVE and FELLOWSHIP of GOD to mankind. Paul never mentioned here the strange word to him Triune/Trinity god in his letter.
My opponent's answer again showed himself of being incompetent trying hard defender of his chaotic doctrine he himself don't understand.
total # of words - 217
Q #9.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
You said YES, that your Triune God namely:
God the Father,
God the Son,
God the Holy Spirit
co-existed co-equally and co-eternally at the same time.
HOW could your three persons Triune God think, plan, act, and performed their actions DISTINCTIVELY yet NOT SEPARATELY at the same time?
Joh 14:10 - Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak from Myself, but the Father who abides in Me does His works.
This verse UNVEILS that the relationship between the Father and the Son is one of INTERPENETRATION & MUTUAL INDWELLING. Thus, each in the GODHEAD interpenetrates and coinheres (nananahanan sa isat isa) the others, that is, each is permanently one with the others.
And the mutual inbeing & interpenetration reveals the fact that the TRIUNE GOD is INSEPARABLY & UNIQUELY ONE and also PRESERVE the DISTINCTION within the Godhead.
It was further revealed by the Lord in John 16:13-15
Joh 16:13 - But when He, the Spirit of reality, comes, He will guide you into all the reality; for He will not speak from Himself, but what He hears He will speak; and He will declare to you the things that are coming.
Joh 16:14 - He will glorify Me, for He will receive of Mine and will declare it to you.
Joh 16:15 - All that the Father has is Mine; for this reason I have said that He receives of Mine and will declare it to you.
These verses unveil the INNER RELATIONSHIP of INTERPENETRATION that exists between the Father, Son & Spirit.
Firstly, the Spirit’s speaking is “not…from himself….” That is, the speaking source of the Spirit within the Godhead is from the Son and the Father, which reveals the interpenetration of the Three.
Secondly, the Spirit’s taking is described as “he shall take of mine….” That is, the taking position of the Spirit within the Godhead is out of the Son and the Father, which reveals the interpenetration of the Three.
Thirdly, the interpenetration of the Father, Son, and Spirit is also revealed by the inner nature of the Spirit’s hearing. The Lord’s words concerning the Spirit, “What things soever he shall hear …” refer to a hearing within the Godhead.
My opponent again attempted to explain his complex thought about his multifarious doctrine and ended being so BYZANTINE. His method of interpreting scriptures obviously is so wrong where he failed to bring light and a clear understanding the complex idea to its simple form or from general to specific that went only to nothing but defying himself and of the simplicity of God’s truth.
In the light of defining the complex word my opponent is using, definitely not the found in the scriptures, are words that English Vocabularies explains contradicting again how my opponent attempt to use it as camouflage cloak of his erroneous doctrine such as: “interpenetration”, “coinhere”, “indwellings”, “inbeing”.
1. Interpenetration of the 3 persons or 3 individuals (direct transitive verb) - mutual penetration of the 3; diffusion of EACH 3 through the other (direct transitive verb). Three (3) person or individuals mutually penetrating to each other or diffusing of EACH through the other YET the three (3) persons HAVE NO will, consciousness, personality, mind EACH? Strange and so WEIRD!
2. 3 persons/individuals Coinhere - (intransitive) To inhere or exist together, as in one substance. The three (3) persons or individuals inhere or exist together as in one substance (hypostasis) but my opponent insist of calling his man-made doctrine god triune/trinity persons (hypostases) in the plural form? AGAIN, contradicting and WEIRD!
3. Indwellings of 3 persons/individuals – 3 persons or individual abiding within, or as 3 persons as 3 guiding force or 3 individuals with 3 motivating principles YET EACH is not separate from each OTHER having no separate wills, consciousness, personality and mind? STRANGE and so WEIRD!
4. 3 persons/individual Inbeings - The fact or state of 3 beings in; existence in something else as 3 YET not separate? So, chaotic and so WEIRD!
total # of word - 298
Q #10.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
WHAT are the three (3) respective specific name of your Triune God namely:
God the Father,
God the Son and
God the Holy Spirit
whom you claimed interpenetrating each other being distinct from each other yet not separate from each other as to justify your own interpretations of the Godhead the Bible never mentioned?
In my A#8 I mention it already that There is One Name for the Divine Trinity(Matt 28:19).These name is the sum total of the Divine Being.
This verse indicates to us that God is TRIUNE; notice, however, that NAME IS SINGULAR. The name denotes the person. Hence, to baptize people into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit is to baptize people into the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Furthermore, in Col 1:19 Paul says, the FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD dwells in Christ. Therefore, the name of the Triune God is Jesus Christ.
My opponent's answers to Question #9 and Question #10 only showed how my opponent played words which indirectly he isn't aware that he himself was exposing his erroneous belief. He said that the NAME (singular) required in Matthew 28:19 using the Bible translations released in the 16th century AD is JESUS CHRIST itself whom he called his Triune God.
So, JESUS Christ is the NAME of my opponent's Triune/Trinity God.
He also used Paul's letter to the Colossians where Paul explains the godhead that is in JESUS himself as the only "hypostasis" of God he mentioned Heb. 1:3 defying his claims and exposing it as FALSE of using "hypostases". Col. 1:19, Col. 2:9-10 explained that there is only ONE "person" or "hypostasis" of God only or in the godhead and that is JESUS.
"For in him (JESUS) all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven,..." Col. 1:19
"For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead [a]bodily;
and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all [b]principality and power. " Col 2:9-10
JESUS is the NAME of the Father, Son, and Holy ghost, the "hypostasis" or person of God where GOD dwells who is the HEAD of ALL principality and power, the ALMIGHTY or the "mighty one" of ALL.
total # of words - 229
Q #11.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
You said that your TRIUNE GOD are three (3) persons.
Can you provide me references from the Bible (Biblia-Greek) in VERBATIM the word "person" or "persons" referring to the GODHEAD?
PERSONAE came the word Persons and the Greek word OUSIA became the word essence.
By saying God has ONE ESSENCE(ousia)
"For in Him dwells all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily"(Col 2:9)
THEOTES the Greek word for GODHEAD.
My opponent AGAIN failed to show proofs from the scriptures the word persons or the plural form of persona. His answer showed again his opinion and a clear “eisegesis” teaching strange doctrine never the Bible mentioned or have been taught.
TRUTH (Based on Biblical Proofs)
1. There is only one reference for the word person referring the godhead and that is Heb. 1:3 where in Greek it is “hypostasis”, singular form as person NOT “hypostases”, plural form as my opponent exasperatedly was insisting.
2. The word “osuia” which is Greek meaning essence wasn’t in the scriptures especially when link to the godhead but from the teachings and inventions of the Roman Catholics as to justify their man-made paganistic theory headed by Theophilus of Antioch whom born a pagan.
3. The Greek word “Theotes” mentioned in Col. 2:9 never mean persons in the Greek interlinear G2320 but this is a feminine noun being defined as deity or the state of being God called the Godhead.
# of words - 172
Q #12.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
"Personae" is plural of "persona" which is Latin in form from its Greek word "prosopon" which refers to the mask or the theater image or role.
"Hypostasis" is the singular for "hypostases/hupostases" plural which refers to an existence.
"Adamu/Adamah" is the Hebrew for the english word "person" which means from the ground.
The Greek word "ousia" in latin "substancia" means "essence in English but doesn't refer to the word person.
EITHER WAYS, "persona/e, hypostasis/es, adamah as referring to the English word person as applying to your Triune God doctrine "three persons in the divine Trinity of the One God"
Here is my question:
How can a One God become 3 persons or 3 personae, or 3 hupostases or 3 "Adamah" but not separate from each other?
This is HOW GOD is revealed in the Bible. We cannot question God why He revealed Himself in such a way. But this how He reveals Himself in the divine revelation.
God is mysterious yet very experienceable.
He is One God. 1 cor 8:4
And this One God is Triune - the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Mt 28:19. 2 Cor 13:14.
The Father is God. 1 cor 8:6
Jesus Christ is God. Rom 9:5
The Spirit is God. Acts 5:4,3
Are there three Gods?
They are DISTINCTLY THREE yet never separated into three, because in essence, life, and being, God is ONE.
The Triune God coexist (exist at the same time) and coinhere (dwell in one another) eternally without succession.
Another “eisegesis” again my opponent had boasted in his answers to my question #12 where all the scriptures he used are out of context, an obvious attempt to cover up his fallacious thought in defense to his man-made doctrine.
1. 1 Tim. 3:6 says Paul that God’s mystery in the past already had been deciphered and was clearly revealed when GOD, the mighty one manifest in the flesh yet my opponent said, God is mysterious.
2. Nowhere you can read trinity or triune god mentioned in Matthew 28:19 and 2 Cor. 13:14 but purely a hallucination of my opponent.
3. Rom. 9:5 never taught that Christ or the Son is God but in proper exegesis in the context especially based on the original greek manuscript, Paul refers the Father who sent the Son is the only God who is blessed forever. There were no punctuation marks such as comma in the original manuscripts.
The actual Greek text reads, "kai ex wn o cristoV to kata sarka o wn epi pantwn qeoV euloghtoV eiV touV aiwnaV amhn,"
The verse can be, and should be, translated as "from whom the Christ according to the flesh. God who is over all be blessed to the ages. Amen.", or possibly but not likely, "from whom the Christ according to the flesh who is over all. God be blessed to the ages. Amen."
The phrase "God be blessed to the ages" is a Pauline doxology.
4. Where can you find God the Holy Spirit in Acts 5:4? NONE!
“Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this ...”
5. Where can you find God the Holy Spirit in Acts 5:4? NONE!
“Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this ...”
# of words - 273
Q #13. (a question of precision and credibility)
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
You clearly showed to me where you took your doctrine Trinity or Triune God and also CONFIRMED from your answer to my question #1 that:
(a) the word Trinity and Triune God wasn’t mentioned or can’t be found in the Bible but first mentioned by Theophilus of Antioch its inventor in the 1st century AD;
(b) and introduced by the Catholic as you cited in your affirmative argument “saying from around A.D. 100 to the formation of the papal system at the end of the sixth century”,
(c) citing as well as your reference “THE PERIOD OF COUNCILS in church history.”
(d) that it was in Latin translation of the Bible from Greek your doctrine Trinity or Triune God came from, and
(e) from your answers to my question #8 you said, “later truths do not negate earlier ones. “ meaning, what you claimed later truths of the Trinity do not contradicts or refutes the earlier one like the Traditional Trinity doctrine you cited as your reference for your Triune God belief.
You also CONFIRMED that these three whom you called Triune God namely:
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
co-existed co-equally, co-eternally, dwells in one another at the same time meaning joined together in one body only, and they are inseparable all the time,
BUT you turned to DIS-AGREE later that your Triune God namely
God the Father
God the Son
And God the Holy Spirit
Has their own will, personality and performing different or separate roles.
You turned to DIS-AGREE as well the traditional trinity definition of the members of your Holy Trinity or Triune God:
God the Father, - is not God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
God the Son – is not God the Father and God the Holy Spirit,
God the Holy Spirit – is not God the Father and God the Son.
Here is my QUESTION:
HOW will you now RECONCILE and JUSTIFY the chaos seen in your presentations and cross examination that you even said in your answer to my question #10, that JESUS Christ is the only name of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit or your Triune God who are inseparable yet three distinct persons?
(attached are the proofs)
There is NO CHAOS in every answer that I give. You only need to understand Mr Carl Cortez that the truth in the Bible is PROGRESSIVE.
It is true that i mentioned Theophilus, the formation of papal system and the period of councils and much more i do mentioned and fully agree that the name of the TRIUNE GOD is Jesus Christ(Col 2:9).Well hindi ko dinedeny yan Moderator Christine Marie Reluya Cajeta.
The truths as revealed in the Scriptures have been lost, missed, misunderstood, misinterpreted, and wrongly taught. Therefore, there is a need to recover and rediscover it. God's Truth IS PROGRESSIVE. Since the TRUTH IS PROGRESSIVE, therefore, CHANGES ARE NOT SHAMEFUL THING. The extent to which we see the many revelations in the Bible is the extent to which we will change.
Like what Jesus said in John 14:6 " I am the way, the truth and the life" so without the way there is no going, without the truth there is no knowing and without the life there is no living.
We know that God's truths are CUMULATIVE. All the past truths of God form the foundation of the truths today. Among them were men like
Edward Cronin
Anthony Norris Groves
John Nelson Darby
William Kelly
G.H Pember
C.H Mackintosh
C.H Spurgeon
Charles Stanley
George Cutting
B.W Newton
Robert Govett
Dwight L.Moody &
J.G Bellet
We are gone higher not by ourselves but by standing on the shoulders of all the foregoing teachers. We thank God for those who have gone before us.
We are standing on the shoulders of John Nelson Darby. Darby stood on the shoulders of Count Von Zinzendorf, and Zinzendorf stoon on the shoulder of Martin Luther.
We are not boasting that we have seen the picture of God's Eternal Purpose, for we are standing on others' shoulders to see this vision. We thank God for this.
My opponent failed to show me proofs how his doctrine was warring against the scriptures and how even himself was rejecting the works of their successors but later in his presentation involved them as reference of how their false doctrine evolved which is obviously chaotic and remained un-reconciled.
The devils workmanship of inventing fallacies to defy the apostle’s doctrine was what my opponents has presented in his answers to my question #13 that never addresses or meet what I asked from him.
1) Paul, the legitimate apostle of Christ had said clearly in his epistle to the believers in Galatia giving them ultimate warning against false teachers that will be coming to promote false doctrines. He emphasized it clearly to believe them not but curse them with their crafty man-made teachings.
2) All the names my opponent boasted whom he said were working shoulder to shoulder as propagating the LIES that gone too far from the truth of the scriptures, had each of them issues of errors. They themselves do not have same beliefs but the promoter of dividing the Christendom where each of them had their followers.
“I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto ANOTHER GOSPEL:
Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would PERVERT THE GOSPEL of Christ.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which WE HAVE PREACHED UNTO YOU, let him be accursed.
As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, LET HIM BE ACCURSED.” Gal. 1:6-8
# of words - 257 (excluding the scriptures)
Q #14.
Yandex Zysev AnchetaBased on your answer of my Q#13 you justified all the contrasts of your affirmative presentation and answers to cross exam saying the word "there is no chaos" though there are as you have been required to reconcile all your statements like you said,
that the “later truths do not negate earlier ones. “ meaning, what you claimed later truths of the Trinity do not contradicts or refutes the earlier one like the Traditional Trinity doctrine you cited as your reference for your Triune God belief but you did DIS-AGREE or indirectly REFUTING/REJECTING their teachings.
This is truly confusing as it seems. Let me ask you now, HOW do you understand really the meaning of the word "PERSON" as referring to your Triune God?
(Please satisfy me with your answers citing your references the definitions from the Bible and reliable definitions from Dictionaries NOT from your own understanding or personal ideas.)
When I say "later truths do not negate earlier ones" im referring to RECOVERED TRUTHS.
When it comes to the person of God. The Bible shows us that God in whom we believe is a person, and as a person He is quiet marvelous because He is not a PSYCHIC BEING
"The first man is out of the earth, earthly; the second man is out of the heaven"(1Cor 15:47)
The Father refers to Himself as "I"
The Son also refers to Himself as "I"
"I" denotes a person. In John 14:10 I am in the Father and the Father is in Me"
So God is a person with personality, He has love, mercy, kindness and even angel Mr Carl Cortez. He has the entire range of emotions. Therefore, our God is not a conceptual object rather, a living person.
Flaws observed:
1) He said, “When I say "later truths do not negate earlier ones" i'm referring to RECOVERED TRUTHS.”. If triune god/trinity doctrine came not from the Bible but a man-made doctrine spearheaded by Theophilus of Antioch, how then can that be called recovered truth if the word of God alone is the TRUTH? My opponents argument detected self-confessed truth is perceptibly a lie and undoubtedly trickery.
2) He also attempt to lay his invented definition birthed from opinions of men that linked to paganism like what he said “When it comes to the person of God… that God in whom we believe is a person, and as a person… He is not a PSYCHIC BEING.” God is like human beings and being compared to a physic being? God has been created rather than being the Creator? This is again fallacious statements invented by my opponent proving that his triune god or trinity god isn’t the God, the mighty one of the Bible. The Bible only mentioned Christ, the man, as the only person of God both “hypostasis” not hypostases (Heb. 1:3); “monogenes” (physical body) and the “prosopon” (image) of God (Col. 1:15) when GOD, the mighty one manifest HIMSELF in the flesh. (1 Tim. 3:16).
3) He clearly revealed his triune god/trinity as like a human being not the GOD who is Spirit and has no beginning and is eternal based on his reference itself of how he defined God as a person.
# of words - 299
Q #15.
Yandex Zysev Ancheta
Can’t the established TRUTH about GOD (mighty one) be known without the aid of the LATIN translations of the Septuagint fashioned by the Greek philosophers, that was brought to Rome, the formulation of the new word TRIUNE God or TRINITY invention, the basis of your belief now, which was the very heart or your assumed cumulative new revelation TRIUNE God?
(Here’s a quotation from your presentation)
“In Latin, the word TRIUNE is used for the Trinity. Tri means “Three"; and Une means “One"; hence, TRIUNE means “three-one,” being both "Three and One" we simply say “the three-one God,” that is, “the Triune God.” According to the pure revelation of the Bible, God is Triune; He is the Triune God.
Why does the One God has the aspect of being Three?
To answer this question we have to find out from the THEOLOGY IN THE GREEK LANGUAGE TO THE THEOLOGY IN THE LATIN LANGUAGE because the studies and records of the CHURCH FATHERS were all in Greek. From around A.D. 100 to the formation of the papal system at the end of the sixth century, this period of four to five hundred years was called THE PERIOD OF COUNCILS in church history. Theological studies during this period continued to be WRITTEN IN GREEK.
After the establishment of the Catholic Church with its headquarters in the city of Rome, where Latin was used most prevailingly, theological studies entered the SECOND STAGE---the stage of the LATIN LANGUAGE From the seventh century to the sixteenth century, theological literature was written chiefly in Latin. Even during the Reformation, Martin Luther still used Latin in his writings, although he was German. Therefore, Latin also occupies quite an important position in theological research.”
The TRUTH concerning One God with Three Distinct Persons cannot be understand properly without knowing the STUDIES CONCERNING THE TRIUNE GOD IN THEOLOGY THROUGHOUT THE AGES & the ORIGINAL TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE such as SEPTUAGINT & VULGATE. After the passing away of the apostles, there were the so-called church fathers in the church history who expounded the Biblical Truths and studied extensively the writing of the apostles as well as the contents of the Old Testament and had high theological attainments. Due to their research the term TRINITY was coined. Theological studies during this period continued to be written in greek.
During reformation, Latin language occupies an important position in theological research where the Latin was used prevailingly in the stage of Latin language.
The very God upon whom the entire universe is focused is not a single God; He is TRIUNE. Both the Old & New Testaments use PLURAL PRONOUNS in referring to the Triune God. In Genesis 1:26 here the PLURAL PRONOUNS "Us" & "Ours" are used. Then in John 14:23 Jesus said, "We will come to Him and make an abode with Him" who are the "WE"? So our God is Triune. It is not invented like what your are trying to postulate Mr Carl Cortez
Again, though the Bible does not have the TRIUNE or TRINITY as a TERM but it has a TRINITY or TRIUNE GOD as FACT. The Lord said that its not easy to understand His person
Supposed the Bible only revealed God as God the creator, not the Triune God. If there were no Father, and no Son, and no Spirit, how could God dispense Himself into us?
We are fallen, and we have the problems of sin, the world, and Satan. How could these things be taken away? There was the need of someone to condemn sin, to judge the world, and to cast out Satan. In the divine dispensing, THIS SOMEONE IS THE SON(jesus). The Son was sent by the Father to condemn sin, to judge the world, and to cast out Satan through His death on the cross. In order to die on the cross, He needed to put on humanity. How could God without blood and flesh be crucified on the cross to shed blood for the forgiveness of sins? It would be impossible. So the Son had to put on blood and flesh so that He could go to the cross and die in a physical way (Heb. 2:14). He put on humanity so that He could shed human blood to wash away our sins. He judged the world, and He cast out Satan (John 12:31).
Furthermore, if God were only God, how could He enter into us? In order to enter into us, God must be the life-giving Spirit (1Cor 15:45)The Spirit is the holy breath for us to take in (John 20:22).
The truth about One God was taught already in the Old Testament where never the Triune God was mentioned as my opponent admitted it only existed after Theophilus of Antioch invented it in the 2nd century AD who was born a pagan. Paul clearly wrote Timothy emphasizing all scriptures which refers to the old manuscripts as God-breath useful for instructions, conviction, correction, training in righteousness, so that man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work, especially in serving God whom they knew during their time.
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work..." 2 Tim. 3:16
My opponent suggested that God was not known being the only one God by men whom he chose like Adam, Abraham, Jacob, the prophets, etc. before Christ era where God dealt with them in their language known as Hebrew for it needed to have a pagan language such Latin and Greek first to surfaced.
In whose report shall we believe? We should believe the report of the Lord, which has been established already in the scriptures by his chosen men, not the latter pagan writers attempts to describe God who knew many gods as what my opponent wanted to propagate. Trinity or triune-god is a LIE for there is only ONE Holy in Israel, the God who is mighty of all or the Almighty!
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