by Carl C. Cortez, DMin, DTh.
In a book "Encyclopedia of Deception" under its subtopic “Fiction,” it presented a
plot portraying the elementary structure of probable course and plight of logical events
that might gradually or drastically changes in man's perception of looking things
depending how quick and deep deceptions enter in. How the book presented the sequence of
events, for real, can also be observed and can be depicted to a person or persons
who might be in reality trapped in this dilemma. The book presented the series of events
played on a character as follows:
Characters and events are presented as they traverse a path that seems
natural to them;
A deceiver or a liar creates falsehoods that shift these characters from
their motivations of their primary path;
(c) The characters travel along these improper paths, further driven into
unnaturalness by misunderstanding, complications, additional deceptions,
and lies;
The false pathway they have been set upon approaches a crisis, after which
the natural pathway will no longer be available;
The deception that initiated the false pathway is discovered;
The characters retrace the erroneous logic (including the discursive and
generally per-formative corruptions) that have led them to their untenable
positions and false destinies;
The characters reclaim their proper destinies through narrative processes
that are specific to the genre; and
The wicked are punished and the good triumph." (Encyclopedia of Deception, p. 379)
So, in reality, we can also use and see these patterns in the behavior of those
who are victims of deception and lies. No one among those in the spellbound of such
quandary notice the false pathway when deception has been initiated to them unless
the victim retraces the erroneous logic that led them to false destinies.
The process of reclaiming the proper destinies take serious time and it
isn't that easy to accept mistakes while being controlled by
pride or might be of arrogance. Should all victims in the terror of deception can
be freed by the sting it induce to its prey? Not all, unless the false pathway should
be discovered and that the victims are willing to return and reclaim the known
right path.
Only the truth has the power to set anyone free yet truth is like
precious stones and minerals, which can’t be found on the surface but in
the depth. This has to be exerted with much time and focus. Just like for example of
extracting golds, diamonds and the like, a good investor or hobbyist should
learn to secure:
1 - Get a geologist who study lithosphere to find where the
deposits are. It takes years for geologists to learn this and years for
exploration. They aren't lazy and thinks that precious stones and minerals
can be found overnight! Like the body builders, they’re fully aware that
when there’s no pain, there will be no gain muscles. Truth can’t be
discovered in the garbage.
2 - Sufficient capital is necessary to purchase proper equipment.
3 - Don’t attempt to start digging out of curiosity, without the proper
knowledge and of course the lack of proper tools and resources.
Frustrations, discouragements and failures, or even bankruptcy are the pit
and a destiny that awaits the lazy and the unprepared.
In consideration of the presentation discussed earlier, it can also be applied to believers
even those recognized as Faithful to be invited into following a false path that
curved gradually away from the main way and soon had them be persuaded heading in the
wrong direction ending up being caught in a net and unable to free
themselves unknowingly and unaware.
"This is a great metaphor of how people can be led astray by the
teachings that sound good and seem to make sense, but which actually are
false."(Ignorance and Deception based on Pilgrim's Progress, chapter 9)
The church has been warned in the first century in the occurrence of
the great possibility of deception to happen even among the elects. The
best antidote John had recommended to the saints was clearly defined in
his letter during his day: "Believe not every spirit" (1 John 4: 1-6), and earnestly warn his "children" that the "spirit of anti-Christ,"
and the "spirit of error" (deception) was already actively at work among
them. Their attitude was to be "believe not"--i.e., to doubt every
"teaching" and "teacher," until proved to be of God. They were to prove
the "teachings," lest they came from a "spirit of error," and be part of
the deceiver's campaign as "anti-God, anti-truth, anti-Semitic or even
anti-Christ ".
The enemy is a deceiver, and as a deceiver, he will work and prevail in
the latter times. "Success" or "defeat" is no criterion of a work being of
God or Satan. Calvary stands for ever as the revelation of God's way in
working out His redemption purposes. The defeat Satan perceived at first became
a victory of God he shared to men. The defeat turned out to victory, and the perceived
victory became a defeat. Satan works in limited time, and he will
not waste it for he knows his is short, but God's works is eternity bound. He
works from death of the flesh to life in the spirit, from man's
perceived defeat to eternal triumph and from earthly sufferings to joy
everlasting. This is God's way. When Satan thought he defeated God at the
death of Christ in the valley of skulls, unknowingly, he learned after, it was
God's triumph. The victory of life over death was officially witnessed and was
Knowledge of truth is the primary safeguard against deception. The
"elect" must know, and they must learn to "prove" the "spirits" until they
do know what is of God, and what is of Satan. The words of the Master,
"Take heed, I have told you, " plainly implies that personal knowledge of
danger is part of the Lord's way of guarding His own, and believers who
blindly rely upon "the keeping power of God," without seeking to
understand how to escape deception, when forewarned to "take heed" by the
Lord, will surely find themselves entrapped by the subtle foe.
A good example of this kind of rationale is found here
with this excerpt:
But why should Eve’s being beguiled in the Garden of Eden cause Paul to
say that women should be silent in church? The answer must be that women
in general have a tendency to be more easily duped than men. Because of
this tendency, they are not to be teachers, or preachers, or hold an
office (which implies authority) in church...
…we must remember that Paul clearly states that women are to remain
silent in church because of the creation order and because Eve was
Is Paul really saying that women are more easily deceived than men? Let’s
examine the text:
1 Timothy 2:14 (NASB) "And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being
deceived, fell into transgression."
A clear scriptural evident fact, showed the importance of taking heed the
guidance of respecting authorities which God himself laid its foundational
truth right from the start of creation. It was also Paul's intention of
teaching Timothy as part of the context found in his epistle where God is
a God of order. Anyone who deemed neglect the orders God placed in the
family even in the body of Christ, falls easily to satan's trap that soon
will bring chaos and divisions in the church. Women are basically
vulnerable to deception than men. When women be tested
for proper subjection to authority, abused and neglected its
importance, it is also in this case including even men be lured often
times by women as Eve did to Adam.
It is God who place and provide pastors in the church. They are
under-shepherds of the chief shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ whose main
purpose and responsibility is to safeguard the saints against wolves who
dressed in white clothing. They are bound of committing their lives
assuring the best safety and feeding properly God's flock with knowledge
and understanding, to mature, being equipped servants of the Lord.
"So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists,
the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service,
so that the body of Christ may be built up." Eph. 4:11-12 (NIV)
"And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed
you with knowledge and understanding." Jeremiah 3:15
If this pattern be destroyed and anyone claims better than pastors,
claiming they're enlightened by new revelations that never their pastors
teach, BEWARE!
Now, the Apostle Paul is very concerned about this matter of incipient
division in the church at Corinth, and he begins dealing with it in this
powerful appeal for unity in Verse 10:
I appeal to you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all
of you agree and that there be no dissensions among you, but that you be
united in the same mind and the same judgment. (1 Corinthians 1:10 RSV)
Paul always expresses great concern about the possibility of a split in
the church. You may be reminded by his words in Verse 10 of the similar
passage in his letter to the Philippians where, in Chapter 2, he says to
that church, "So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any incentive
of love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy,
complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being
in full accord, and of one mind," (Philippians 2:1-2 RSV). You may recall also that in writing to the church at Ephesus, he
exhorted the elders there to be careful to "maintain the unity of the
Spirit in the bond of peace," (Ephesians 4:3 RSV).
The Anti-One God belief, Anti-Tetragrammaton or Anti-Christ people violated this rule.
They, who claimed to have a new enlightenment from a new revelation only sprang
out late where you can count them by your fingers at the very start.
Ignorance destroys! Literally, lack of knowledge and heedlessness aren't
strength but weakness that enables those that wanders to fall into same
pit so easily. They are satan's best clients to carry his deceiving
tactics of luring those impetuous being, inducing pride among them. Take a
look on how deceived people but because of the false promise being "the
enlightened", they blatantly compromised the unity and love of the body of
Christ. Manifestation of the spirit of rebellion, removing themselves
under-subjection to authority from their leaders or pastors, assuming a
pseudo and non-existing office, obviously be recognized.
"A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth”
-Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propagandist
Deceived na po ang mga iyan na anti halleluhia
ReplyDeleteat nais po nilang mangdeceive pa ng iba bilang kanilang mga biktima
hindi na na-deceive yan kasi sila na yung deceiver,,hehe