LACK OF KNOWLEDGE, ARROGANCE AND PRIDE EXPOSING MY OPPONENT AND OUR MODERATOR'S COLLABORATION AND BIAS SCHEME NOTE: This blog is made to document a debate that happened just recently where I who stand for the negative side was put silent intentionally by the moderator backed up by my opponent who stands for the affirmative side who wants to prove his prepositional statement "The mandate of God with regards to giving 10% cannot be done as commanded by God in the bible in today’s time. - specifically in the church governance". Before the debate proper, it has been already emphasized that this debate has rules to observed and it was agreed by both sides where the moderator herself confirmed it claiming she also made the rules that would mean she understood it well. After both debaters presented each constructive argument for the affirmative and negative sides, it was then followed by cross-examination as to prove and test each position's strength ...