PLEASE NOTE: The following is merely a limited collection of useful but essentially random facts on the subject in question. This document is not intended to be taken as in-depth, or exhaustive, or definitive treatment. Foretelling or Fortunetelling? “It should also be noted that Branham’s parents believed in fortunetelling and he was burdened through occultism at an early age [Kurt Koch, Between Christ and Satan (Grand Rapids: Kregal Publications, 1962), p.150, quoted in Alfred Pohl and David Cloud, William Branham: Prophet or Profiteer? (Way of Life Literature, Bible Baptist Church, 1219 N. Harns Road, Oak Harbor, Washington, 98277, USA), p5]. “His powers were those of a soothsayer … In fact, when Branham met fortune tellers, they even told him that he was influenced by supernatural powers … ” Alfred Pohl and David Cloud, William Branham: Prophet or Profiteer? (Way of Life Literature, Bible Baptist Church, 1219 N. Harns Road, Oak Harbor, Washing...